Who / what are we ?
Last update:
October 01. 2024
HoedGekruide postcards
The Philippines
Brochures and "excerpts from the expo-guestbook"
Calender 2015
April, 24th: Armenian Genocide Centennial
Calender 2014
15 oktober: " Nowhere, a story of exile "
Calender 2013
April 24th: commemoration Armenian genocide
April 15th: Pic Nic More Streets 2013 ?
Calendar 2012
October 16th until 26th: Armenia
June 24th: 2nd giant PicNic The Street
June 10th: 1st giant PicNic The Street
March 15: Cafe Europa Events
February 16: Intriguing voices from Portugal
From 22/01 until 19/02: Swimming Against the Tide in Etterbeek
January 12: Cafe Europa events
Calendar 2011
November, 25th: Our Brussels
From 15/11 until 14/01/2011: 4 X B in Elsene
from october 18 until 28: literary ark 2011-2012
october 14: Frankfurter Buchmesse
September, 03:Brussels Summer University
from May 26 until 29: colloquium in Belgrade
from ... unti l ... 29: 4 X B - expo in Belgrado
From April 14 until 17th: BALKAN TRAFIK 2011
January 05: concert Tucker Zimmerman
Calendar 2010
December, 03: EYV2011
Van 26/12 tem 20/01/2011: Derroll Adams
from o4-10 until 26-12 : come to stay on the front page
October, 01 : city photographer - Brussels capital region
September, 30 : autumn edition of Gierik & NVT
September, 29 : de oogst van het seizoen
23 september: Servisch klassiek concert
Mimesis In Brussel - Subotica & Palic
28 augustus: slotfeest 1001 liefdes
27 juni: Servisch feest
2 mei: babbelbox WAK
22 april: The Balkans & Europe IV
16 - 17 - 18 april: Claus in Oostende
27 maart: poëzienacht ... tot diep in het donker
24 maart: NANDedju
05 maart: Snippers
03 maart: The Balkans & Europe III: Jasmina Tesanovic
02 maart: Ismail Kadare
25 februari: stadspiratie
05 februari: film - ANONYME
26 januari: gedichtenweek
Calendar 2009
18 november: "controverses", de geschiedenis in schandalen
Najaar 2009
27 oktober: The Balkans and Europe
04 oktober: Clausmarathon
17 september: "Kleine Dagen"
tem zondag 13 september
24 april tem 31 mei: sloGAGA in de stad
24 april tem 03 mei: Psstival
Calendar 2008
28 november: DOEK!
tot en met 14 september: straffe madammen
July 20th until August 15th: Balkan trip
26 mei tem 07 juli: expo-venster
10 april tem 30 april: expo-feest
8 februari tem 01 maart: expo-woorden
21 januari tem 29 februari: expo-café
Photos 2016
May 18 & 19: Vilnius
May 17: Vilnius
May 15 & 16: Vilnius
May 14: Vilnius
May 12 & 13: Vilnius
January 31st: Sarkis meets Paradjanov
Photos 2015
Photos 2014
December 9th until 16th: Cluj-Napoca
Photos 2013
April 24th: commemoration Armenian genocide
April 17th until 21st: Balkan Trafik
April 15th: Pic Nic More Streets 2013 ?
Photos 2012
October, 16th until 26th: Armenia
June, 24th: 2n Pic Nic The Streets
June, 10th: 1st giant PicNic The Street
June, 2nd: Poesjkin with love
From Jan 22nd unti Feb 19th: " Against the Tide "
January, 9th: cafe Europa - Sarajevo
Photos 2011
November 25th: Our Brussels
November 10th until January 14th 2012: 4 X B in Elsene
October 18th until 28th: literary ark festival in Armenia
October 14: literary ark on Frankfurter Buchmesse
... 2011: expo - 4 X B - INTRO
... : 4 X B - part 1
... : 4 X B - part 2
... : 4 X B - part 3
... : 4 X B - part 4
Photos 2010
November, 26 : Derroll Adams
October, 02 : MIMESIS & sloGAGA
September, 30 : What's on between A & B ? - Gierik
September, 23 : classical Serbian concert
September, 05 : a lifetime within books.
July, 03 until September, 05 : art festival Watou
August, 13 : cowboy Henk at the coast.
July, 08 : MIMESIS in Subotica - the ARK.
July, 07: MIMESIS in Subotica - the expo.
July, 07 : MIMESIS in Subotica - the works of art.
July, 06 : MIMESIS in Subotica - at the museum.
... until July, 06 : MIMESIS in Subotica - the making of.
Mimesis in Brussels, Subotica & Palic
2010 At The Corner Of My Street.
... until May, 23 : een KLEINE ritselende revolutie
April, 24 : the Brussels complaint song
April, 22 : The Balkans & Europe IV
April, 16 : Claus in Ostend
March, 31 : expo WIJkFEESTEN
27 maart: poëzienacht... tot diep in het donker
17 maart: soiree Gainsbourg
03 maart: The Balkans & Europe III: Jasmina Tesanovic
02 maart: Ismail Kadare
09 februari: Jan De Cock en aanverwanten
07 februari: Beestig Bezig
26 januari: Peter Holvoet-Hanssen
Photos 2009
2009 Op De Hoek Van Mijn Straat.
18 november: "controverses", de geschiedenis in schandalen
27 oktober 2009: The Balkans & Europe
25 oktober 2009: SU TONG
17 september: Kleine Dagen
May 23: tribute to Kamiel Vanhole
29 april tem 31 mei: sloGAGA
26 april: dichtHAHA
26 maart: dichters dansen niet
06 februari: Lieven de Cauter - tussen de stoelen
18 januari: Amitav Ghosh
Photos 2008
from 20/07 until 15/08: SERBIA, a country with the spirit of ...:
2008 Op De Hoek Van Mijn Straat.
18 december: Dimitri Verhulst en de lezers ...
17 december: Pjeroo Roobjee & Simon Vinkenoog
11 december: György Konrád, Geert Mak & Margot Dijkstra
28 november: DOEK!
24 oktober: Fatos Kongoli
20 oktober: de reflectiekamer
09 oktober: 5 jaar broodje Brussel
07 oktober: Kjell Westö...
05 oktober: Claudio Magris
01 oktober: 25 jaar schrijverschap Bart Moeyaert.
14 september: 'Rode Draad Project 5': wijk Chambéry
29 juni: 'Rode Draad Project 4': wijk Boncelles
27 juni: 'Rode Draad Project 3': Sint-Antoonplein
26 juni: Marc Reugebrink & The Sound of Music
18 juni: Paul Auster & Siri Hustvedt
25 mei: 'Rode Draad Project 2': wijk Rolin
18 mei: 'Rode Draad Project 1': wijk Ducasse
16 mei: Derek Walcott: Nobel Prize in Literature
08 mei: Kader Abdolah
30 april: Jonathan Coe
22 april: Tegenlicht: Factory #3
26 mei tem 07 juli: 'Venster Op De Wereld' - tussen de lijnen van Kortenberg
19 maart: literaire Wake in Passa Porta
08 februari tem 01 maart: 'Venster Op De Wereld' - bIEbAbElOElA
31 januari: gedichtendag
21 januari tem 29 februari: 'Venster Op De Wereld - op de hoek van mijn straat'
Photos 2007
17 oktober: 'Dag van Verzet tegen de Armoede' in Brussel
13 oktober: UNSEEN - 'Bewogen Fotografen'
20 mei 2007: 'Rode Draad Project 1' - Wijk Ducasse
02 juni 2007: 'Rode Draad Project 2' - Wijk Bosman Gérard
17 juni 2007: 'Rode Draad Project 3' - Wijk Rolin
24 juni 2007: 'Rode Draad Project 4' - Wijk Boncelles
09 september 2007: 'Rode Draad Project 5' - Wijk Chambery
Photos 2006
15 september: fotowedstrijd Feab-Cipap in Elsene
Video 2011
October, 14th: Frankfurter Buchmesse
Video 2010
Mimesis In Brussel - Subotica & Palic
2 mei 2010: babbelbox op WAK
17 maart: poëzienacht ... tot diep in het donker
Video 2009
Video 2008
Video 2007
Video 2006
Who / what are we ?
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